Contemporary art Abstraction Fine art photography
“What is essential in art is the control spirit has over matter”
Jacques Maritain
“What is essential in art is the control spirit has over matter”
Jacques Maritain
A long time ago,
as a child,
art helped me to grow older.
as a senior,
art is helping me to grow younger.
Emilio Héctor Rodríguez
"In his dreamlike scenery/ landscape/ visions, time and space transcend the logic they are usually ruled by. A Mathematician by formal education, and thus a connossieur of the relativity of both concepts, the artist recreates a timeless world in which the elements float suspended and space is seen through chromatic gradations."
Anelys Alvarez, MA
"The subtlety of the images produced by this artist can approach a particular universe, underlying that reminds us that, despite everything, the time of life as art, is cyclical, and that everything has its time and place."
Milagros Gonzalez
La Patilla USA
Venezuela / USA
"COMPLIMENTI VIVISSIMI per le tue opere, dai colori che fanno pensare alle galassie del firmamento infinito!"
("Congratulations for your works, from the colors that make think the galaxies of the infinite firmament!")
Franca Simonelli
Artist / Italy
"El resultado es una pintura de cautivadora visualidad compuesta por los desafios de las inagotables tentativas por capturar una realidad efímera en constante transformación."
("The result is a painting of captivating visuals that encompasses the challenges of endless attempts to capture an ephemeral reality in constant transformation.")
Maria Espinoza, PhD
"His training in the fields of mathematics and computer programming, inevitably inspire his work attaining harmonies that seem to honor an invisible logic, a kind of melody that throbs in the colors and in the wave-like structures that populate his works. In his oeuvre we see the convergence of the rationality of the mathematician and the profound spiritual richness that makes the creative act cathartic. "
Raisa Clavijo
."....el artista nos transporta del microcosmos al macrocosmos con formas orgánicas que sugieren el principio, el génesis, el origen de la vida y del planeta... donde el artista busca representarse a sí mismo y su sentir hacia la magnificencia de la creación de Dios."
"(...the artist transports us from the microcosm to the macrocosm with organic forms that suggest the beginning, the genesis, the origin of life and the planet... where the artist seeks to represent himself and his feelings toward the magnificence of the of God's creation)."
Irene Antillón (Costa Rica)
International Association of Art Critics.
emilio héctor Art